‘Untouchable’ women in rural India are taking part in a life-changing project that has successfully raised money through Crowdfunder. The Shiva Trust raised over £1,900 through the funding platform and are using the money to provide training to 35 women over a 9 month period. The money raised also helped them buy sewing machines and raw materials. The women will be taught skills that will give them access to employment and income generation.
‘Untouchables’ is a term often used to describe Dalits – members of the lowest caste in India. Dalits face discrimination at almost every level, including education, health, housing, and jobs. With approximately 167 million Dalits in India, constituting over 16 percent of the total population, projects like this by The Shiva Trust are small but positive steps forward for people born into the Dalit caste.
Anand Ennis Cole, a volunteer at The Shiva Trust said: We are thrilled to be training 35 women instead of the 30 women we initially set out to if we raised the money through Crowdfunder. The online fundraising success has brought off-line success too with a further donation of £5000 that we are using to train a further 30 women and start up a cooperative”.
Read more about The Shiva Trust here: http://www.shivatrust.org.uk/