We all fear the unknown so going to hospital can be scary for anyone, no matter how old or young they are. New charity Get-Well Gamers UK has found a brilliant way to help children stay positive through their treatment and recovery in hospital. 

Get-Well Gamers UK helping children in hospital

Get-Well Gamers UK has recently established itself as a sister company of the original US organisation founded in 2001, The Get-Well Gamers Foundation (GWGF). Based on the premise that video games can act as an effective pain management tool and provide entertainment during long periods of time, the charity works to deliver games and consoles to hospitals throughout the UK.

Most recently, Get-Well Gamers UK have joined forces with Mediatonic Ltd, a UK based Games Developer, to provide an annual donation to St. George’s Hospital in London. The first donation included a 32 inch TV, an Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PSP, Nintendo DS, a Gameboy Advance, and over 20 games.

Get-Well Gamers UK donate games to hospitals

These donations were made possible by the employees of Mediatonic Ltd, who were encouraged to bring in any unused games and consoles. Office manager Ben Cox commented “knowing that our games and consoles have gone towards helping aid the recovery of children at St. George’s Hospital is a great feeling. We’re so happy to have helped Get-Well Gamers with their first donation and look forward to seeing the charity go from strength to strength”.

Liz Lewington, Senior Play Specialist at St. George’s, welcomed the donation, saying that the consoles would help children socialise and have fun. It is anticipated that the donation will help normalise the environment for children and provide them with a distraction whilst they’re going through medical procedures.

Get-Well Gamers UK donate games to hospitals for children to use

A child plays a Nintendo DS in a hospital in London. This was made possible by Get Well Gamers UK.


Further information:

Get-Well Gamers UK –  www.getwellgamers.org.uk

Get-Well Gamers Foundation – www.getwellgamers.org


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