Local charity Dorset Blind Association has been delighted by the response to their social media campaign aimed at saving their club for young people with sight-loss.
The charity asked people to participate via social media by sharing a picture answering the question ‘what would you miss if you lost your sight?’
The #whatwouldyoumiss campaign has had support from celebrities including Lesley Waters and Goldie, businesses such as LV=, Specsavers and Farmer Palmers, sight-loss charities including Guide Dogs and RNIB, with responses ranging from “Seeing my kids growing up” to people posting funny animal videos.
#whatwouldyoumiss Funny cats on the internet @DorsetBlind @InsightGlos pic.twitter.com/G0jXPjHEMZ
— Faye McKeever (@faye_mckeever) June 2, 2014
I would miss seeing the beautiful sights of #Poole Park in my lunch break @DorsetBlind http://t.co/QL84d3h1Td #whatwouldyoumiss #Dorset
— Coles Miller LLP (@ColesMillerLLP) June 4, 2014
I would miss the view from my bedroom window #whatwouldyoumiss if blind @DorsetBlind http://t.co/nKB2TYaRhg pic.twitter.com/Z9kIq0atZP
— Optometry Tweet (@optometrytweet) June 4, 2014
@DorsetBlind I’d miss my family and friends and views like this #whatwouldyoumiss pic.twitter.com/rbJwgUah45
— Jenny Pearce (@JennyPearcePR) June 4, 2014
The charity had to make redundancies due to lack of funds and lost 3 of their 6 support workers, including one who ran the club for young and working age people with sight-loss. The #WhatWouldYouMiss campaign has been launched to try and raise enough money to save the club for young people with sight-loss.
Jaya Da Costa, Dorset Blind Association’s Fundraiser says “Working age blind and visually impaired people in Dorset have a support network via the Dorset Blind Association club. This club has truly changed lives, giving confidence, skills and emotional support to working-age people with sight-loss. Members learn independence and skills through training and volunteering, gaining employability. This reduces the reliance on local health and social care services that cost public money. The members say they would really miss the club if it wasn’t there.”
One member says “I feel elated after the club and it stops me feeling sorry for myself”
Alice, another club member says “the club is a motivation to go out, we share things with others who have lost their sight. I would definitely miss this club!”
Almost two-thirds of people registered blind or partially-sighted never or rarely go out. Many report withdrawal from socialising and leisure activities causing loneliness, depression, isolation and social exclusion. This club tackles those issues and gets people together, in the community and doing things – the charity pleads “don’t let that stop now”.
For more information on the work Dorset Blind Association do please visit their website: www.dorsetblind.org.uk
The #WhatWouldYouMiss campaign ends soon. To find out more please visit their website: www.dorsetblind.org.uk/index.php