My relationship with alcohol began as a child of 15, kneeling at the communion rail – God, did I feel grown up! My acquaintance with alcohol though, was spasmodic until I went to Uni. Not wanting the label I was getting as a fresher who didn’t smoke , do drugs, barely drank and went to church, I knew I had better become a bit more of a rebel !! Within a year, I could down a yard of ale in 7 seconds! And I am ashamed to admit that a bottle of Strongbow cider was enough to make me ram a small boys raft , splitting it into pieces’ for a 250 point dare !! Oh Yes! In those days alcohol was my pal and stayed like that for years, our relationship growing ever deeper. When I came in from work, it was there, for every celebration and social occasion, it was there.
Through my lovely childrens’ accomplishments, through girly nights out and holidays, Then ‘Life’ took a turn for the worse.
Financial problems which had been bad, suddenly became insurmountable, putting strains on the marriage. Fights became bitter and violent- I was left separated, insolvent, alone with 4 young children, penniless and bankrupt. I was beginning to become uneasy about my drinking and when 2 bottles of wine became 3 a day and I needed to drink to get me to sleep and if I woke at 4am
I had to have a drink to get me back to sleep, I was now worried. I finally sought help from alcohol and drug treatment charity CRI, was able to detox, and now even work for the charity. My relationship with my family and children is much better and I can now support others going through the same issues. I know now that I was on the verge of death and owe everything to my recovery.
Lindsey went into rehab twice before seeking support from CRI, the leading alcohol and drug treatment charity in England and Wales. They advised her to cut down slowly, as it can be fatal for someone to stop drinking completely if they are an addict. Lindsey had her last drink on January 6 2013. She says the hardest part has been staying off the drink in a culture that pushes booze on you at every turn, from your job to a luncheon to even going to church.
CRI prescribes opiate substitute medication to 15,000 people per day and provides psychosocial treatment for a further 17,000.