By documenting the tales from people of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs, ‘A Day in the Life’, launched on October 31st 2014, is aiming to reveal the good, the bad and the ugly about day to day living of those who experience mental health difficulties in England.
The creators, Mark Brown, Founder of One in Four magazine, and David Floyd are asking for people to submit a short blog piece detailing the events and feelings of one day, over four days of the year. This collection of pieces will detail the lives of those involved on a day in November, February, May and August.
It is hoped that through this online domain those who have previously felt they could not share their diagnosis will now be able to, albeit anonymously. Furthermore, through the stories being accessible to the general public it should enable us to have a greater understanding of the life of those with a mental health difficulty and allow us to be better equipped in making the lives of these people slightly easier.

A snapshot of the ‘A Day in the Life’ webpage showing the categories the stories are placed into it & the possibilities to select whether to read only positive or negative stories
The hope is that this platform will serve as a turning point for those sharing their stories, and others like them, as readers are able to gain understanding of what the day-to-day life of someone with ill mental health is like. By simply asking questions, simple statistics will be generated which are based on the opinions and feelings of those with mental health difficulties. Societal change through policies, services and treatments, all of which are currently developed based on the interaction of individuals with clinicians and professionals, could be changed to better reflect the daily needs of the service users as a result of this project.
So, log on to to sign up and submit your own stories or check out the stories that have already been uploaded. These should give you a small insight into the lives of people with mental health difficulties.