Four short films highlighting mental health stigma and discrimination have been written, directed, partly filmed, and starred in by volunteers who all have suffered from mental health illnesses. The Moving Pictures project was led by Toynbee Hall’s Wellness Centre for Older People, and was funded by Time to Change.
The four short films, shown for the first time at a recent Toynbee Hall event, were created to help prompt discussion about mental health issues.
The films
1. Mitchell
Mitchell is told to ‘cheer up’ and that he will feel better once he gets to work by his partner; His colleagues don’t understand him and his health problems; His doctor tells him he will feel better if he takes two ‘cheer up’ pills three times a day. The only other options, he is told, are surgery and locking him up.
2. Say? Don’t Say?
Louise is applying for a school secretary job. The interview is going really well, until she tells them that she suffers from a mental health illness. Watch the video to see how the recruiters react, and if she still has a chance of being offered the job.
3. The hole
We see a woman trapped in a hole. Watch the video to see what happens to her.
4. Talking bananas
In the longest of the four films, we see five people experiencing different issues when telling others about their mental illness.
The four short films on mental illness will now be taken out into the community and used as a resource to stimulate discussion around mental health discrimination. If you would be interested in hosting a screening (free of charge) please contact Kate Lovell at Toynbee Hall who can give you more information.