Glyn Jones and his Labrador Osbourne are best of friends. He pulls the quilt cover over Glyn’s feet at night, he brings Glyn health and happiness every day. Glyn recalls how he never feels lonely when Osbourne is around.
Glyn has MS. When Glyn was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis after failing his medical to extend his work in the Royal Navy he felt completely alone in the world.
By 2006 he was wheelchair dependent and had to let go of his beautiful three bedroom home out in the country to a small, sheltered flat. Glyn and his well-loved Alsatian, Bud, missed the spacious fresh air and freedom they were used to engulfing them.
Glyn recalls the depression he started to feel, and the nights where he cried himself to sleep in his small and isolated flat. He eventually had to let Bud go, and his life came to a standstill.
“I was alone. I sank into depression. I couldn’t go out alone. I felt scared.”
Glyn’s health started to deteriorate and his breathing got worse every day. That’s when Canine Partners brought joy back into his life. With his partnering with Osbourne, Glyn felt his life had a purpose again, and that this was what his life had been leading to. Osbourne rejuvenated him, reinstalled his happiness and stopped him feeling alone in the world.
With the use of Glyn’s limbs gone, Osbourne is his arms, his legs, his hands. Glyn’s breathing problems have disappeared, his ulcers completely gone, and his fitness has never been better. Glyn can even now open his hand to stroke him.
“I will not fail Osbourne, and he will not fail me.”
Osbourne opens supermarket doors for Glyn, gives his wallet to the cashier, and brings his bowl to him for breakfast every morning. Glyn now sees his beloved canine’s needs as priority and he finally feels a purpose in his life. Osbourne gives him structure and stability in daily life, and as Glyn says, has renewed his faith. Most importantly, he reminds Glyn every day that he will never be alone.
Canine Partners’ mission is to assist people with disabilities to enjoy a greater independence and a better quality of life through the provision of specially trained dogs for the disabled, whose well-being is a key consideration. Canine Partners receives no government funding and relies solely on public donations. Although based in West Sussex, they cover all of the UK, with puppy walking sessions and support groups in various regions.