You might have noticed letters missing from signs this past week. It’s not because of a typo – the letters ‘a’, ‘o’, and ‘b’ have been removed from signs on purpose to encourage people to donate blood.
204,000 new volunteers need to come forward in the UK this year to keep the nation’s blood stocks at a safe level.
Regular donations are crucial to saving and improving the lives of patients with cancer, blood disorders and those suffering medical trauma or undergoing surgery.
There are a number of ways you can support the Missing Type campaign in the UK:
· If you are 17 or over, visit or call 0300 123 23 23 today to find out if you are eligible to donate, register as a blood donor and to book your appointment
· Download the blood donor app by searching ‘NHSGiveBlood’ in the App store. It’s available for Android, Windows and Apple Smartphone and tablet devices
· Raise awareness of the need for more blood donors on social media by posting about blood donation and removing the As, Os and Bs, using #missingtype