Place2Be’s Royal Patron, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge has launched Children’s Mental Health Week 2016 with a special video message:
The theme of Children’s Mental Health Week this year (8th – 14th February) is ‘building resilience’ and teaching children to ‘bounce forward’ from life’s challenges.
Place2Be supports children and young people by providing one-to-one and group counselling sessions. The four children in the video above have all benefited from Place2Be’s ‘whole school’ approach to good mental health which includes a break-time service available to all children who want to talk through and help understand issues that might be troubling them.
“Place2Talk is a place where we can let our heart out.” (7 year old girl)
In the 2014/15 year Place2Be worked with 235 schools across the UK. 4,116 children attended one-to-one counselling sessions and 933 children were supported in group sessions.
Find out more about Place2Be by visiting their website.