In September 2016, a devastating fire ripped through St Giles Youth Centre, Lincolnshire. The intentionally-started fire completely destroyed the youth centre, plus the equipment of sports and activity groups based in the centre.

A huge blow to the young people in the area, a local charity has tried to give them a boost.

YMCA Lincolnshire, a local charity working primarily with the homeless and youth across the county, offered to support the youth football team with new hoodies to replace the kit lost in the fire.

YMCA give Local Youngsters a Boost Following Devastating Fire

New hoodies from YMCA Lincolnshire

The team along with coaches were invited to an exclusive opening of The Showroom, where they were treated to free reign of the Activity Centre’s arcades, games and sports facilities.

‘We were delighted to offer the team a visit’ said James Walker, Activity Centre Manager at The Showroom.

‘We heard what happened to their youth centre; we know how important a safe place to go is to our local youth, and wanted to offer their young people something they could come and enjoy as a team.’


It’s so nice to hear of local people and organisations doing something for these young people who have lost their youth centre.

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About Author

Nisha Kotecha is the Founder of Good News Shared. Having worked and volunteered for charities in the UK for over 10 years, Nisha is on a mission to highlight how amazing charities are.