A hackathon challenge brought 30 students from Woolwich Polytechnic School together to come up with solutions on how digital technology can support mental health and wellbeing in the community
Students from Years 7 to Sixth Form were tasked with developing digitally-based ideas that would make a real difference to their community.

Photo: onEdition
Spilt into four teams, the students worked together to compile a competitive pitch and produce visual designs which were independently judged in a Dragon’s Den style presentation at Lloyds Banking Group headquarters.
All of the pitches were packed full of innovative ideas and were well thought out with sophisticated solutions. The winning idea picked by the ‘Dragons’ is an information and social support app that focuses on providing those experiencing poor mental health with expert advice and guidance. The app does this both through interactive content and also through engagement with both professional services and a community of people who have endured similar problems, including celebrities.
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