‘Get in the car, close your eyes and put the pedal to the metal!’
Not normally advisable and slightly scary for any passengers. But that is exactly what 25 blind and partially sighted members from Dorset Blind Association and Somerset Sight did on Sunday 17th September when the two sight loss charities teamed up to offer a once in a lifetime driving experience for their visually impaired members.
Henstridge Airfield in north Dorset kindly offered their runway as a race track, with members hitting top speeds of 85mph, and 2nd 2NONE Driving School supplied their driving instructors and duel-controlled cars to give the members the excitement of freedom and speed.
Ages ranged from 21 to 90 with Doug from Scotland, who happened to be visiting his son in Poole over the weekend, being the oldest participant. Doug has been blind since the age of eight and had never had the opportunity to drive before.
Doug said, ” It has been the thrill of my life!”
This fantastic activity has given the members the opportunity to do something some of them could only ever have dreamed to have done.