Tiny Kiko had a badly injured right hind leg. He couldn’t put any weight on it, and was clearly in considerable pain.
He was taken to animal charity Mayhew, where he was checked over by vets. They suspected that Kiko, a stray, had been suffering for quite some time, as he also showed significant muscle wastage around both hind legs and hips, due to not being able to use his limbs properly.
An x-ray soon revealed severe damage to the ball and socket joint in Kiko’s right hip, which, if left untreated, would have caused lifelong pain and impeded his movement.
Although the joint could not be mended, the vets were able to remove it entirely – an innovative surgical process that offers small mammals a new lease of life, with no long term impediment to health or movement.
Kiko’s surgery was smooth and successful, and he was soon recovering in the warmth and comfort of Mayhew’s Cat Ward.

Happily, his period of post-operative recovery went entirely to plan, and Kiko was soon back on his feet – albeit rather gingerly. He will always present with mild lameness as a result of his injury, but should otherwise be able to build up a normal amount of strength in his hind legs and hips.
The charity Cattery staff have been encouraging him to walk up and down stairs, stand on his hind legs and demonstrate a full freedom of movement in order to rebuild his muscles; and they have also been keen to socialise with him to try and help combat his nerves.
Kiko was then sent out on foster care until he was ready to find a new family of his own, so he could get used to living in a home environment and hopefully become less tense and timid. Fortunately, Kiko settled into his foster home easily, and has since come on leaps and bounds – physically and emotionally!
“Kiko is a real
sweetheart,” said
Molly, Kiko’s foster carer. “He has truly thrived during his time with
us, and it’s been amazing to see him grow in confidence as well as recover from
his ordeal. The way he plays now, you’d never even notice that he doesn’t have
all his bones! He is such a character and is often getting up to mischief – but
he is also very sweet and gentle, and such an angel. We know that he will make
his future family very happy.”
Kiko is now fully recovered and ready to find his happily ever after. He is
very energetic, and will therefore need a home with owners who are happy to
play and socialise extensively with him, and who will continue to help him
build muscle strength in his hind legs.
To find out more and see if you are the purr-fect match for Kiko, check out his profile here.