Many of us will probably be able to recall the 4th of August 2020 quite clearly; perhaps not what the weather was like that day, or even what breakfast had been- but certainly, the image of the explosion remains ingrained in our memories. Beirut, home to over two million residents, suffered a great tragedy that day when an estimated 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate suddenly exploded in the Port of Beirut. The accident left over 178 dead and more than 6,000 injured, as well as city-wide devastation. Now, as the Lebanese capital faces its route to recovery, Habitat for Humanity Great Britain has stepped in with a partnership with Miller Homes in order to aid the process.
Who is Habit for Humanity Great Britain?
Habit for Humanity GB is an international charity fighting against global housing poverty. Working in nearly 70 countries, their vision is to provide marginalised and vulnerable people with a safe home to return to. They believe that decent living situations are the backbone of strong communities, crucial to the breaking of the cycle of poverty. Over the last 44 years, they have provided over 1 million homes and helped over 6.8 million people.

Who is Miller Homes?
Miller Homes is a UK based housebuilder committed to the creation of high-quality homes, with a focus on being environmentally conscious. Over the last 85 years, they have built thousands of homes and were recently awarded a five-star rating in the Home Builders Federation (HBF) National Home Builders Federation New Home Customer Satisfaction Survey in 2019.
The Partnership
The partnership between the two organisations will focus on rebuilding the houses of vulnerable families in order to ensure them a safe home to return to. The list of plans include: repairs to damaged homes and shop fronts of small businesses; rehabilitation of communal spaces and targeted infrastructure; providing advice and technical assistance to households, local organisations and NGOs on critical shelter issues.
Groundwork has already begun with assessments for certain works having started on the 4th of November in two locations, and repairs and rehabilitations based on the assessments commencing by the 23rd of November.
Habitat for Humanity GB’s CEO, Tum Kazunga, leaves us on a hopeful note regarding this project, stating, ‘With [Miller Homes’] help, we will be able to support vulnerable families on the ground and ensure they, once again, have a safe home to live in”.