The popular mobile games company King, best known for Candy Crush, has partnered with the charity Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in a new and innovative collaboration: users of Pet Rescue Saga will now be able to raise money for the charity just by playing the game! The four-week campaign started on January the 11th and is available for all UK residents.
The content of the game includes weekly challenges for players, based on the work done by Battersea, as well as set targets. For every completed task, King will make a monetary donation to the charity.
This partnership is especially well-timed as we begin to see the devastating effects of COVID-19 on pets. Battersea recently released a report showing that small rescue homes and charities are currently at risk as the pandemic causes a reduction of more than 50% in income.
Furthermore, although the demand for pets has risen thanks to lockdowns, there has been an influx of sick dogs and cats being given to charities due to families buying from irresponsible breeders and sellers.
Additionally, an increase of 27% of stray dogs and cats has been predicted in the coming five years due to impulse buyers of pets during lockdowns. The work of Battersea is, therefore, as crucial as ever and this collaboration is the ideal way for anyone with a mobile phone to help out!
Battersea head of operations Rob Young stated, “Every penny donated to Battersea as a result of this partnership will go directly toward the care of our animals and others across the UK and beyond – so we hope Pet Rescue Saga’s loyal players will enjoy this opportunity to game for good and help real-life dogs and cats in need.”
Pet Rescue Saga is available to download on the App Store.