In the past month, let alone the year, there have been several events that have highlighted the severity of the abuse of human rights, across the world.

One organisation, Amnesty International, has facilitated the education and awareness surrounding these issues. They are the world’s largest grassroots organisation defending human rights, and for over 50 years, they have investigated and exposed abuses, defended people’s right for freedom and educated the public.
To achieve the universal goal of creating a more just world, Amnesty International groups across Central England have collaborated to run an exciting month and a half of free events for a Festival of Social Justice.
The festival takes place from Friday 16th April 2021 to Monday 31st May 2021 and involves an exciting programme of events for all ages. This includes speakers, music, poetry evenings, photography exhibitions, theatre, panel discussions and the chance for local activists to ‘stand’ on a virtual soapbox and share what social justice means to them.
For those who share my love for music, Wirksworth Amnesty International will be holding interviews for four consecutive Saturdays, starting on Saturday 17th April 2021, where world music DJ Su-ki will be in conversation with Amnesty International Country Coordinators to explore their region through music and conversation. This is a great opportunity to learn more about a new place, as well as understanding the culture through music.
On Saturday 15th May 2021, the Bournville Amnesty International group with local partners will present a day-long event packed with music, poetry, dance, art, and talks. In particular, there will be a dedicated Children’s Hour and a chance to meet special guests, such as Ali Aarrass.

Ali is a Belgian-Moroccan national who was prisoned and tortured for 12 years. Listening to him speak will be truly insightful into his experiences throughout those years, and the role that Amnesty International played in freeing him.
For an uplifting talk, join Dan Martin on Saturday 22nd May 2021, where he will detail his journeys across the globe and the constant theme that ran throughout, the kindness of strangers. Dan has travelled through over fifty countries on cycling expeditions, as well as having worked in refugee camps in Calais and northern Greece. To learn more about his experiences and the connections he made along the way, be sure to sign up for this event.
All of the details of the festival and how to register for events can be found on the Festival of Social Justice Event Programme page. This is a great chance to learn more about Amnesty International and the impact that they have worldwide, and the contribution you can make to creating a safer society.