It often feels as though there’s not a lot we can do as individuals to help in the fight against climate change. Here’s something we can all take part in which will make a big difference to our local communities as well as the overall fight to end climate change.
The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) and OVO Energy are on an ‘I Dig Trees’ mission with UK communities to reach 2 million trees planted by springtime next year, and they want you to join them.
Individuals and community groups can register for a share of the 600,000 FREE trees available this year, which will be delivered this tree planting season (November – March), along with instructions as to how to plant trees and aftercare to give them their best hope of thriving.
All trees supplied by I Dig Trees must be planted on publicly accessible land for the benefit of local communities and wildlife. Take a look at the tree map to see where they have already been planted.

I Dig Trees aims to mitigate climate change and increase wildlife habitats across the UK, at the same time as encouraging community volunteers to engage with their local green spaces; bringing thousands of people together to reduce social isolation, improve mental health and help to rebuild or strengthen community connections after covid restrictions.
“Nature-based solutions, such as tree planting, have a crucial role to play in tackling the climate and ecological emergency. This year, I Dig Trees will support thousands of volunteers and community groups across the UK to plant a further 600,000 trees – taking us past the two million tree mark since our partnership with OVO Energy began.”
Darren York, Chief Executive, The Conservation Volunteers

Planting started during COP26, the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference, held in Glasgow in November.
The trees planted will be registered as part The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC), “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee” campaign, celebrating Her Majesty’s 70 years of service in 2022.
Keen to get involved? Local community groups and volunteers are encouraged to apply for their free trees here.