When WWII Veteran Bill Gladden heard that terrier Cody was having a difficult time finding a new home, he offered to he offered to paint the one-year-old dog. He hoped his portrait might help the RSPCA find the mischievous little dog a kind and loving home.
“Cody has been waiting for the right home for almost a year, so we were all delighted when Mr Gladden offered to paint him to try and bring more attention to the plight of this lively little dog,” said Donna Rich, Centre Manager, RSPCA. “Cody has some history of behavioural issues which the training team is working on, so we are looking for experienced adopters who would enjoy continuing his ongoing reward-based training and we hope that this beautiful portrait will help us reach more potential adopters.”

WWII Veteran Bill Gladden, said, “I have always loved painting and I particularly enjoy painting animals.”

“I am very lucky that I get asked to paint lots of pets and in return all I ask for is a donation to the Taxi Charity for Military Veterans who this year have taken me and other WWII veterans to both The Netherlands and to Normandy. I was particularly touched by Cody’s story and offered to paint him to see if perhaps I could help to find him a new loving home.”
If you are interested in offering Cody a home please visit the RSPCA website.
Find out more about The Taxi Charity here.